Faith Millender
Eastern University
Faith Millender lives in St. David’s, PA. She grew up in West Africa and moved back to the United States when she was 15. Her parents were Southern Baptist missionaries. She identifies as bisexual and queer.
She has studied at Eastern University since 2018 and plans to graduate in May 2022. The university has a policy in its handbook prohibiting romantic or sexual relationships between people of the same sex. Professors are bound by a similar clause, and violating it is a terminable offense.
Faith is co-president of Refuge, Eastern University’s school-sanctioned LGBTQ+ student group, from which Faith derives strength. “While Eastern provides a better environment for queer students than some other Christian colleges, I still feel frustrated and invalidated because of my school's policies on sexual orientation,” she said. “Eastern University's policies result in discrimination, misgendering, and queer students on campus being labelled as morally wrong.”
She is raising her voice to protect all LGBTQ+ students at Eastern University and religiously affiliated colleges across the country.

About US
At many religious schools, colleges, and universities, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized students suffer discrimination, abuse, isolation, and hardship. If this describes you, you are not alone. We are in this together.
REAP fights for the safety, bodily autonomy, justice, and human rights of LGBTQIA+ and other communities marginalized at many predominantly white, taxpayer-funded religious schools and colleges. Using campus organizing, storytelling through podcasting, documentary film, and speaking and preaching on campuses throughout the country, REAP empowers students, faculty, staff and alumni at these institutions to advocate for human rights, while shining a light on the dangers and abuses of a major educational pipeline of white Christian Supremacy.
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